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Karsten Denecke
Hainer Chaussee 20


D-63303 Dreieich

E-Mail: kontakt@speedshots.de


speedshots.de is a private, non-commercial website about motorsports-photography. The operator pursues no financial or commercial interests.


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speedshots.de contains links to external websites. The responsibility for their content is of the respective owners/providers. At the time external websites were linked to speedshots.de, we found no reasons of any infringement of the law. We shall promptly delete a link upon becoming aware that it breaches the law.




all photos at www.speedshots.de:

copyright © 1980 - 2011 Karsten Denecke


Content on speedshots.de under may not be republished, retransmitted in any form, stored in a retrieval system, sold through any media, without the prior written permission of speedshots.de and the copyright owner. All data are presented here just for informative use, they cannot be used as a source for any kind of business.

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